Check on your friends who can’t make up their minds.

Not me though. I always choose caffeine.

Let’s get into it:


His father knew astronomy,
and spoke of stories in the stars.
Giving wide-eyed lectures
of Herschel wedges on the lawn.

We were two kids staring
through filtered lenses just for fun.
Though we no longer speak,
that day, we shared the Sun.

But a ball of fire
is just a flicker
to the fireproof and the young.

Deconstructing: Demetri Deconstructed

At first glance, this entire comedy special felt foreign to me, even as Demetri Martin leaned in to comfortably familiar territory (read: giant note pad doodles).

There are a handful of jokes that don’t land. There are rare bits that feel out of place. But with that said, I couldn’t help but feel attracted to the creative processes that Martin included in the final cut.

Even the absence of color on screen screams of this layered intentionality.

Within his black & white world, Martin carefully breaks through the monotony of what streaming-platform-based comedy specials have become as of late: conveniently viewed recordings of a medium that’s best viewed live.

While cookie-cutter comedy has earned its seat at the table, Martin spends his hour ebbing and flowing through 5th wall breaks that never feel formulaic.

And more than the laughter (there is plenty to be had), I was mostly captivated by his editorial decisions - how he found unique ways to honor the extension of a bit.

While there are some familiar callbacks to his 2018 style in Demetri Martin: The Overthinker, Demetri Deconstructed does away with the expected and it revivifies the genre.

As if to say: Everything is black and white, until nothing is.

Blowing O’s: Mother Nature’s Party Trick

While everyone was captivated by the dark side of the moon this week, you might’ve missed some hot stuff happening right here on Earth.

Too Sweet

Alexa, play. Alexa, volume up. Alexa, repeat.

break a wall or two. nothing is b&w.
until next time. - cd