Sorry Carl Sagan

Check on your friends who just can’t re-late.

Not me though. I can be late again and again and again. Kind of like this newsletter that drops every 7-31 days. But it’s here now. 

So let’s get into it:

Fleabag said,

“I sometimes worry
that I wouldn’t be such a feminist
if I had bigger tits.”

And that sent me into an existential crisis.

[pale blue dot]

I have a bone to pick with Carl Sagan.

He once said, “We live on a hunk of rock and metal that circles a humdrum star that is one of 400 billion other stars that make up the Milky Way Galaxy which is one of billions of other galaxies which make up a universe which may be one of a very large number, perhaps an infinite number, of other universes.”

And yea? So what, Carl.

Sure, it’s fun to look at ourselves from 870 million miles away, but at what cost?

Earth seen through Saturn’s rings so what

Has anyone considered that we might be a little too fixated on the vastness of our own existence?

Where were those 400 billion other stars when my kid cried into her pillow because a boy at school told her, “I hate you”?

This floating hunk of rock has never disappointed a lover, didn’t make me a mother, couldn’t move me to tears like that one scene from that one movie that I always watch this time of year[1].

After all, what’s infinity to a skinned knee?

We’ve gotten too big for ourselves.

Consider the internet…

There was once a time when we told our friends ‘BRB’. But we’re never going to be right back. We’re firmly trapped in the sticky world wide web of it all.

And what if I don’t want to be connected to everyone at all times while floating on a rock through outer space.

What if I want to think smaller?

I want to pick out paint colors. I want to argue over shades. I want to learn what kind of walls you want to sit in with me while we negotiate. I want to laugh at jokes that only five of us will understand. I want to smile at a stranger and talk about the weather even if I’ll never see them again. I don’t want to think about the coming days or coming months or years. I want to experience all of my minutes. Right now. Right fucking here. I want to count our grey hairs together, knowing to age is rare - I want to age together. I want to accept the invitation for a cup of coffee even though it’s all the way across town. I want to let the internet be a place - I want to put the internet down. I want to tell my friends that I love them. I want to see their face. Sorry Carl Sagan, but I want to forget about space.

The universe is infinite; we aren’t. Start living like it.

[1] Consider watching The Family Stone if you haven’t.

2️⃣2️⃣ The boys invited me on to talk Rashid Shaheed and Sharts. IYKYK

🏗️ I’ve never been more invested in a story about construction. What if we just… built around it?

📅 Time is a flat circle. At least, every 28 years.

🎄 Now here’s a holiday tradition I can get behind. Too much?

smile at a stranger.
until next time. - cd