Touching Grass edition

If at first you rate exceed, try and try again.

Twitter broke on July Fool’s Day when Elon musk announced read limits.

If you regularly touch grass, this ‘limit schmimit business’ might be difficult to understand. And that’s okay, I don’t judge.

I am currently living with one of these afflicted grass peoples.

With imposed barriers to doom scrolling, many twitter users were forced to spend their newfound free-time towards more productive tasks like chronically refreshing error messages in hopes that if they only just ‘waited a few moments’ longer … they would soon be able to ‘try again’.

If you recall correctly, something similar happened 6 months ago when Twitter seemed doomed. And everything turned out to be fine-ish.

But that didn’t stop us from starting our own twitter.

Things I Did While I Was Touching Grass

  • Joined three new social media apps in the hopes that one could be the next Twitter. Well, two. The third made me join a waiting list.

don’t be limited.
until next time - cd